Lord Gyric's Random Thoughts

Random Brain droppings, interesting (to me) things, and general stuff about my life and thought processes. Also, the occasional rant about life and living, and the odd Bawdy song or recipe thrown in for good measure

Location: Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada

I'm 33 years old, married, have three kids, and am basically a nice guy in wolf's clothing...

Friday, September 01, 2006

Drive In

Ok, last night I went to pretty much to only remaining Drive In movie theatre in southern Ontario. Might even be THE only one in Ontario, but I can't prove that.

We saw Cars and Superman Returns...I'll get to that in a minute.

Weird things about drive ins...or this one anyways.

1. Cash Only
2. where you sit is not necessarily in your car
3. it seems popular still, why aren't there more?
4. they discourage "hopping"...why?

1. Cash Only - Who the hell is CASH ONLY in this society anymore? I managed (barely) to scrape together enough cash by scrounging in my car to pay the entrance. I never carry cash, or at least very little. I burn through 4 or 5 Interac cards a year.

2. Last night, I saw people in lawn chairs (guilty of that on occasion, but last night was COLD), people on the hood of the car, people on the roof of their van and 8 or 9 people who brought a trailer with couches (or sofas for the non-Canadian linguist). MInd you, I thought that was brilliant, and much more comfy, but strange none the less.

3. Even when I have gone on a wednesday or thursday, the place is always hopping, if not packed. When you think about it, $8 for a movie is a pretty good price now, and $8 for two is unheard of. Pretty good bang for your buck. I guess more people want super THX surround systems with big padded seats and a clearer screen...but it's just fun to go...unless you have 3 whiny kids who climb all over your car, but still fun.

4. Hopping is leaving one movie screen for another.I try to avoid it, but I do see the necessity. The people who decide which two (or three, I've seen that too) movies are shown together. These guys have their head up their asses. The first time I went to see Cars it was on with Pirates of the Carribean 2. I though freakin' A, this will rock...finally 2 movies I want to see together...However, the moron's put Cars SECOND! So the movie didn't start until almost 1am. What kid is able to stay up that long? Well, the 4 year old almost made it to the end...and I was proud of him. This time, Cars was playing with Invincible (never heard of it) and Superman was playing with Beer-something, the new Broken Lizard movie. Don't get me wrong, I want to see that one because I LOVE the BL guys. However, it's not really a movie I can see with my kids. The solution, and I apparently inspired people, was to turn the car around and park next to the fence and watch the movie on the other screen, then turn it back around to watch the one you want.

I love drive ins. I never went to them as a kid, so it's not nostalgia. I just like smuggling in food, setting up the lawn chairs, getting the kids settled in the back of the station wagon and having a nice time.

Try it, if you can...well worth it.

Next post...either Movie reviews or the continuation of the Pennsic story...depends on my mood...


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