Lord Gyric's Random Thoughts

Random Brain droppings, interesting (to me) things, and general stuff about my life and thought processes. Also, the occasional rant about life and living, and the odd Bawdy song or recipe thrown in for good measure

Location: Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada

I'm 33 years old, married, have three kids, and am basically a nice guy in wolf's clothing...

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Pennsic Part 2 of ???

I'll fill in the question marks when I'm done.

Ok, well, when last we left out intrepid explorer, he was on his way home with the kid...

Got home. Send boy to Camp Grandma. Got babysitter for other kids. Went back.

Fairly straight forward.

Upon returning, I spent most of the week doing odd jobs and setting up camp.

And taking the odd class that I wanted to. It was fun.

This War was kind of wierd for me, as I was not allowed to fight. (medically, I have a hernia) So my regular scheduled battles did not take place. Which was ok, I guess...more time for classes.

OMG...I forgot the hell time I had getting to Pennsic in the first place!!!

As we hit the border, I looked at my trailer and realised that it was shifted WAY over to one side. I stopped in line at customs and tried to shift it back, but only partially succeeded. So I crossed, and looked for somewhere to stop off the highway to try to do some repairs. I've retrofitted my big, ugly bed frame that I made of 2x4 and 2x8's so that I could use smaller head and foot boards to make a trailer frame. Unfortunately, I realised I forgot to put the back spacer bar in at the foot of the frame, and the damn thing twisted and splintered on me. So in the parking lot of a church, I'm hammering and tieing the load down so that I could limp to War. About the time I hit Erie, I realised that I left my damn hammer in said parking lot. As it was a hammer I had had since College, I was (am) a little pissed. BUt we made it ok.

Anyways...sometime in that week I went in search of Miss L.

Now, another back story...I teach classes now at Pennsic on Bawdy and Drinking songs. When I taught my first class at Pennsic 34, I did alot of web research. I happened upon the Stowe site, and the Stowegian Drinking Songs...what luck. However, there was not sheet music to the lyrics I found. So I sent an email to Lord Finn who had posted all those great songs, and received a reply from LADY Finn (my bad...the only Finn I know is male...Unconscious Sexism) who graciously sent me a copy of the CD they had just finished making as I was Kingdom Bard at the time. I had a wonderful conversation with her online and lucked out totally with the songs. Yay SCA.

Ok, I told you that story to tell you this story. (The third part of the story will wait until the next post.) I play Kingdom of Loathing. If you don't, try it. If you do, say hi. There was a nice lady online who I had chatted with a couple of times who made some comment about a Vegemite Sandwich. Of course, I had to take the mickey out of her and abuse someone who actually INGESTED Vegemite. When I mentioned I was doing research and putting together my handouts for Pennsic, she flipped and said "OMG, My Baroness is going to Pennsic for the first time...And I think she'd love to take your class...sounds right up her alley." I asked where she was from, she replied Lochac (Australia) and I smacked my head with a resounding thump as that would explain the vegemite sandwhich thing. So I promised to look for her Baroness and asked her to send me a bottle of Vegemite so that I could actually try it before I abused anyone else. Then she passed my email on to said Baroness and I was contacted so that I could meet up with her...

More on that story in the next post...


Blogger Mz. B.Trousers said...

Hey! This is where I came in!

(OMG am I now a BeeGee?)

6:00 AM  
Blogger Lord Gyric said...

Yes, I did try it...

that's coming in the next post...

7:25 AM  
Blogger deense said...

I'm having a strange moment here, cause she's my baroness too (and i'm so upset I missed that class), but as i'm from niagara falls, i was at one point from very near you...

Small world syndrome.

2:48 AM  
Blogger Lord Gyric said...

No kidding...Did you play SCA out here? I don't recognise your picture, but nice to have a local in another locale...

5:44 AM  

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