Lord Gyric's Random Thoughts

Random Brain droppings, interesting (to me) things, and general stuff about my life and thought processes. Also, the occasional rant about life and living, and the odd Bawdy song or recipe thrown in for good measure

Location: Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada

I'm 33 years old, married, have three kids, and am basically a nice guy in wolf's clothing...

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Pennsic part 3 of ???

Ok...so now that you know the back story, I can continue.

So up I head to find the Kingdom of Lochac encampment, which was suprisingly easy as I had to walk past it every time I went to the car.

I hailed the camp, was invited in, and promptly forgot the name of the Baroness I wanted to find. So I asked the assorted group for a Baroness, landed, singer and one who carried the Vegemite all the way from Oz for me. A gracious and lovely Lady helped me figure out whom I was looking for, and then told me that she was sleeping at the moment. I told them I would return later in the afternoon.

I did so, and once again the lovely and gracious Lady invited me in and introduced me to Baggy Trousers. I was told I was on her list to find today, and how wonderful to meet me, etc. etc. I was presented with the Vegemite, and was given lots of helpful advice on how to eat it...spread thinly, on toast, with jam, or peanut butter, or on a Banana. One helpful Lord suggested right off the best way to eat it was by the spoonfull. I instantly suspected he might be having fun with the poor relation from Canada. (yes, I'm not completely stupid...L)

During these discussions, I found myself unable to resist acquiring the Australian accent. I am a mimic, and a musician, so musical lilts and other accents leap into my mouth without bidding and refuse to leave...kind of like a deadbeat friend who sleeps on your couch for months on end. So, having met Miss J and BT and assorted others, including seeing an old friend who is living there at the moment, the Gracious Lady was talking with me about incosequentials. My heart dropped into my boots when someone came over and asked HER MAJESTY if she needed anything. With what I assume was a sickly expression, I inquired if she was indeed the Queen of Lochac, (which she was) and then proceeded to (nicely) curse her and all stealth royals soundly and firmly. Even though this is a game, I still like to play it...when Royalty hides and I'm caught unawares it always bugs the crap out of me. The Queen seemed inordinately pleased by my ire, and smirks all around were passed at my expense...I also found out later that the wrong pictures of Their Majesties were published in the handbook, so I could have been forgiven...although I didn't even look at the book.

So I did invite the Court down for English Muffins and Vegemite and a big Canadian breakfast. Only BT managed to make it, but I sent up a care package to the others who couldn't.

Next post, the dreaded classes....

(added note...for those of you unfamiliar with the particulars, I realised I didn't mention that the Lady I met online at KoL was Miss Krin...)


Blogger Mz. B.Trousers said...

You forgot to say that you enjoyed it!
The vegemite, that is.

Your accent changes were very sweet. It was the shift into English you did, when talking about someone who lived there, that scared me.


1:31 PM  
Blogger Lord Gyric said...

I haven't posted the WHEN I tried it part yet...I'm getting to it.

And I thought the shift to West Virginian was the scarriest..

5:40 AM  
Blogger Mz. B.Trousers said...

That depends - was the west virginian there at the time? 'Cause the English guy wasn't...

6:17 AM  
Blogger Lord Gyric said...

Yes he was...don't you remember excusing myself to switch accents?

And I suppose the English one was a little more strange...L

7:48 AM  

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