Lord Gyric's Random Thoughts

Random Brain droppings, interesting (to me) things, and general stuff about my life and thought processes. Also, the occasional rant about life and living, and the odd Bawdy song or recipe thrown in for good measure

Location: Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada

I'm 33 years old, married, have three kids, and am basically a nice guy in wolf's clothing...

Friday, August 25, 2006


Ok, went to the movies yesterday. Took all three kids and the wife.

Went to go see Superman Returns, however IT"S ALREADY LEFT THE THEATRES!!

I'm going to cry.

I didn't get a chance to go before Pennsic, and now I probably won't get to see it until it comes out on DVD.

Anyhoo, we decided to go see Zoom, instead. I loved it. I thought is was clever, cute and well worth the price of admission. (admittedly, I went to our local theatre that is $8.25 per movie anytime. But still...)

I thought the plot was fun, the casting good. Tim Allen did a creditable job at being a has-been. Not that I'm saying anything. Reminded me of Jason Nesbit.

Oh, sorry. For those of you not in the major geekdom, that was Tim's character in Galaxy Quest. If you haven't seen it, go get it now. NOW!! And those actual geeks who read this, get it on DVD. It has a Thermian language track. I'm not kidding. You can watch the whole movie translated into Thermian. Anyone who can last more than 4 minutes, you have my shock and awe.

I will be buying (or whatever) this movie when it comes out. I can't wait to see the extras.
Which is really what you buy the damned DVD for anyways, isn't it?

Which would bring me to my next rant...DVD releases that have ZERO extras. What's the freakin point? Other than to suck money out of the public now, and then again in 2 years with the "Special Edition 2 disc Collectors Box". Piss me off to no end. I want makings of, I want cast interviews, I want cut scenes and I want the FREAKING GAG REEL!!! Don't release a DVD without it being packed to the gills with extras. All you do is piss off the geeks, and honestly...they're most of your sales anyways, morons. The two prime examples are Batman Begins and The Fifth Element. TFE finally released the 2 disc, and it's phenominal, but that's besides the point. RELEASE IT FIRST. If you want to make more money, make another movie.

That's all we really want anyways.


Blogger Mz. B.Trousers said...

I like the randomness of your blog!!! keep it up!
Oh, and why's the blame mine?

8:47 PM  
Blogger Lord Gyric said...

No blame...

Just credit. I thought blogs were silly until I started reading yours.

3:55 AM  

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