Lord Gyric's Random Thoughts

Random Brain droppings, interesting (to me) things, and general stuff about my life and thought processes. Also, the occasional rant about life and living, and the odd Bawdy song or recipe thrown in for good measure

Location: Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada

I'm 33 years old, married, have three kids, and am basically a nice guy in wolf's clothing...

Sunday, October 15, 2006

sheepish grin...

Hi gang..

sorry, things have just been stupid busy lately.

Between the work I've gotten lately, my wife starting a new job, my eldest starting school and the middle one starting his intensive-therapy preschool, I haven't had 3 seconds to myself.

I did write a continuation to the classes post, but something went kaflooie and it didn't post.

However, I am back now, after 3 days without power because of a massive freak snow storm that devastated my town. It was terrifying...I have a 160' tulip tree in my backyard, and things were falling out of it on my roof. I thought for sure that it was coming down and crushing my house...it didn't though.

The 6" or more of snow accumulated on the trees, and since they hadn't lost the leaves yet, the branches got stupid heavy and were shearing off left, right and centre. Also, because the ground isn't frozen yet, the extra weight of the snow has been uprooting trees. I'm going to go out tomorrow and take pictures of the destruction aftermath. It looks like a tornado went through here.

I'll post them soon, but suffice it to say everyone is ok, and there isn't much damage to my house...just a piece of fence that was crushed.

So to answer your question BT, no, it isn't really interesting in a good way, but still keeping me hopping.


Blogger Mz. B.Trousers said...

Wow! You poor thing!
I heard about the storms from someone up in Ottawa - didn't connect that you would be in the middle of it!
Glad to hear you're ok, even if you are living "in interesting times."

6:07 AM  
Blogger Mz. B.Trousers said...

Hey, are you going round to Toronto to Feast of the Bear? Sounds like a cool event.
You could say hi to a friend of mine - swap recipes for muffins for recipes for beer...

6:16 AM  
Blogger Lord Gyric said...

Let me know who...

I'll try to connect.

1:37 PM  

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