Lord Gyric's Random Thoughts

Random Brain droppings, interesting (to me) things, and general stuff about my life and thought processes. Also, the occasional rant about life and living, and the odd Bawdy song or recipe thrown in for good measure

Location: Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada

I'm 33 years old, married, have three kids, and am basically a nice guy in wolf's clothing...

Monday, March 01, 2010

My Speech to Town Council

Our community has and is being exploited for the benefit of the few, to the detriment of the many.  Few will argue against this. Except of course those who are paid to do so.

Any new vision, idea, concept or even plain old common sense is scorned and attacked! They live in a cave and their silly little world is all that exists. They have no idea how the rest of the world sees them.
I read this in the online media. I was impressed with the turn of phrase. However, the comedic factor here is that it was written in OPPOSITION to the Bay Beach proposal.
I’ve been following the Medias very closely these last few weeks. Some other nuggets I’ve found are. And I paraphrase…
Mayor Martin is likened to Joseph Goebbels.
Councilor Lockwood is on the take and has no regard for the people in her riding.
Councilor Annunziata doesn’t care about this town anymore since he’s seeking the PC nomination for the province.
Councilor Whitfield has personal issues with anyone who disagrees with his point of view.
Councilor Schular wants to be part of the Old Boys Club and will do anything to get there.
The Town Planner and CAO live in Grimsby, and don’t care what happens to our town, as long as they get their cut.
Councilors Steckley and Noyse…well, nothing actually.
It’s funny to me that only the councilors that vote against the project are exempt from the muck slinging. It seems that since all logical arguments have been given solutions and all illogical arguments been dismissed, the opposition has no choice but to personally attack the people trying to make our town a vibrant and wonderful place to live.
None of the supporters have made any accusations like Councilor Noyse is on the take from the FOCB. Why? Because we  a: won’t stoop to their level and b: don’t believe it anyways. I believe that each member of council is voting their own opinion and conscience. As it should be.
Now I know what you’re saying. What does this have to do with the bay beach proposal? How does this help us make a decision regarding the bylaw amendments?
Well, I wanted to clear the air that’s been befouled by the anti proposal people. You as a council have been subjected to so much abuse over these proceedings, and I wanted to show that not everyone has it out for you. The Council has not heard from the “Silent Majority” since that silence is due to the fact that you don’t really need to speak out when the council is doing what you agree with anyways. And I assure you, that in my discussions around town, it IS a majority.
My personal opinion hasn’t changed. In fact, it’s become more solid than ever. This proposal has the potential to galvanize growth and change the face of Crystal Beach. I look forward to that.
My wife says that she’s not entirely happy with the 12 story height, but that as a compromise with the net benefits to us, it’s better than the alternative of a park that will be destroyed in days,  a useless splash pad that stands beside a splash pad created by nature, or nothing at all.
Looking at the proposal, I start to feel excitement for the project. I think the promenade is a beautiful addition to the beach. I think that an outdoor stage that could be utilized for things like Jazz festivals, movie nights, rock concerts or other contests like body building or dance is an exciting venue option that could be an amazing draw.
I want to have a town where the people that live there are Proud to invite guests and family to visit, to take in the beach and the surrounding town’s shops and restaurants. Who are Proud when our town’s name is in the news, for positive reasons instead of a closing hospital or failing racetrack.
Or would you rather continue to have a town where the only thing I’ve heard people be proud of is defecating alongside the Friendship trail?

Thank You.


Blogger Editor said...

You may not realize this, but you embarrassed yourself last night. Instead of stating your reasons for supporting the Molinaro Plan, you chose to spend your precious time with your own personal attacks, all the while repeating what you read in the Medias. [sic] People were laughing. Many nodded their heads as you repeated what you have called slander. Don't you realize that now you're on record as saying these things? Now it is truly public. I hope you didn't think you were doing these people a favour by your rant. It was ridiculous and many of us cringed as you made a complete fool of yourself. I hope also that you were not encouraged to say these things. Believe me, I actually feel sorry for you. You want so much to be important in this dialogue that you made yourself into their lackey. Your fifteen minutes are quickly waning. Good luck to you and yours.

6:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man she gets up preety early just to be an asshole, doesn't she!

9:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She didn't get up at all! Sharon Bowers can't sleep at night until she gets the courage to speak in public! Oh, I'm sorry she doesn't speak directly to the people she attacks or even the issues at hand! Just like the REAL lackey that she is hiding in the shadows with Bill Brunton and her girlfriend! Nice work Bowers!P.S. Remember to take your meds and don't mix them up with Nabi's statch.

11:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know Sharon, your response could have been, what you like to do ...... predicted.

But there are 3 points that I would like to make.

1. This gentleman, stood before council and made a presentation. He did not just sit back and gossip like a school girl, like you do. It was noted by the presenter that you, during his presentation, you behaved rather childishly, as was confirmed by your post.

2. The presenter did NOT slander. He simply presented the quotations of slander from the media, to be more precise, the Strand .... media ( cough, cough). They were quotations of YOUR own words which you previously denied as being slanderous, but now acknowledge that they are. Don't worry, there are many of us who have saved in our computors the posts and articles that you have made...... just waiting for this day.

The presenter has brought YOUR words out into the open. They are no longer hidden by your heavy delete finger.

Karma is a bitch ..... eh?

3. The owner of this blog had infact accepted your post. It is unlikely that you would have.

And ..... as a side note. Thank you for your influence to convince Anne Marie to run for mayor. In your words "she doesn't stand a chance."

11:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bowers and her disfunctional group of idiots always behave as predicted.Their disrespect for our elected officials is evident.Their only recourse is to act inappropriately.That is their style,their trademark, their legacy.Their own demise.Ask Richard Berry how many new "fans" he has made lately!How many voters are going to forget his antics?Not many!

2:08 PM  
Blogger Lord Gyric said...

Well Sharon, YOU might not realize, but you embarrassed yourself WAY more than I did last night. I wasn't told to shut the hell up during the council meeting. Many nodded their heads because they realised what I was doing, which was dragging your crap into the light and shaking the dirt off.

I do hope that my lack of reading comprehension skills didn't make me misquote you, or did I not get the gist of what you have been ranting about for the last...umm...forever?

I intended for people to laugh. There weren't many laughs to be had last night, and humour makes people more receptive to ideas. And since YOUR reading comprehension is apparently very inadequate, I stated that those opinions WEREN'T mine, and I was offended by them. (They're YOURS, BTW)

Don't waste your time feeling sorry for me...it's unnecessary, and unwanted. I had MANY compliments from people at the meeting last night, including Councilor Noyse, who was impressed with my eloquence.

And trust me, if MY fifteen minutes are up, yours were over about a decade ago. Seems you won't shut the hell up and leave, much like your precious Councilor/homeless person Berry.

Oh, and before I forget...sound travels very well. Just in case you thought your little tete a tete with Lisa Susin was private while you were pointing me out during my discussion with the Mollinaros.

3:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will make a prediction.The OMB hearing will come and go. The plan for Crystal Beach will go ahead,probably with some minor site plan adjustments.Crystal Beach will show immediate improvement, but best of all, the US summer waterfront owners will lose their,excuse me,will lose private beach rights in the NEAR future. As for Bowels and company,well they will keep eating Alpo and dress casually,very casually.

6:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An email I received today :

We never claimed to be perfect,

That means we’ve learned to be humble.

We say excuse me and I'm sorry…as well as please and thanks,

Even when it's not our fault we apologize.

Sure one arm of the torch didn't rise,

But when the earthquake struck Haiti,

Canadians raised their hands to say…”We’ll help.”

And yah, there is a fence around the torch,

But you can walk right up and shake hands with our prime minister and most famous Canadians.

We put Gretzky in the back of a pickup, in the rain, not surrounded by police…and he was okay,

And by the way... the great one is Canadian…and HE wasn’t complaining!

We do have security at the games, of course, but most people don't even have a gun they have to leave at home.

The medals ARE under lock and key, but our doors and our hearts are open to the world.

It has been pointed out that some buses broke down last week…but let’s not overlook the fact that our banking system didn't.

We didn't get the "green ice maker" right this time…but we will, eventually,

Just like we did when we invented the zamboni.

Citius altius fortius

If you don't reach higher how do you get faster and stronger?

Was the first quad jump perfect?

Should we not have given snowboarding to the world "in case" it didn’t take off?

So big deal…one out of four torch arms didn't rise. Good thing we had three more! It’s called contingency planning!

But remember…the Canadarm works every time…in outer space…and insulin turned out to be okay.

We couldn't change the weather, but maybe we can help to stop global warming.

We don't have the tax base of the US or the power of the Chinese but, per capita, we ponied up for some pretty kick-ass venues in the worst global recession ever.

Sure, some folks couldn't afford tickets, but our health care is universal.

We have shown the world that we can raise our voices in celebration and song, but moments later stand in silence to respect a tragic event...together...spontaneously…and unrehearsed.

What's more, we don't need permission from anyone to have a slam poet, fiddlers with piercings and a lesbian singer tell our story to the world while our multilingual female Haitian-born, black head of state shares a box with her first nations equals.

We’ve shown the world that it doesn’t always rain in Vancouver, that you can strive for excellence, but not get hung up on perfection.

And we’ve learned what it feels like to be picked on by some no-name newspaper guy and we don’t have to take it lying down!

So the point is not the snow, or the hydraulics or a couple guys being 5 minutes late to a ceremony,
We know we’re lucky that these are the biggest problems we've had to deal with in the last couple weeks.

So take your cheap shots…Guardian newspaper and cynics of the world,
We're bigger and better than that.
What's more we're finally starting to believe it!

Do you believe?

5:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've always believed!! Make it contagious!

12:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Said .... Anonymous ..... Well Said.

Let the Flags fly and the Anthem reign.

The Canadian Nation Anthem was played more than any other country's for Victory on the Olympic Field.

"With Glowing Hearts"

3:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If anyone was keeping score at the Olympics.Canada 14 Gold,USA 10.Canada wins.Silver and Bronze is for second and third,losers.The IOC and the world only recognizes the Gold count as victories.Monday nights council meeting.Canada4,USA 3.Canada wins again.Lets play the Canadian National Anthem one more time!...."We stand on guard for thee"..Thank you and GOOD NIGHT,america!!!!

3:32 PM  

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