Lord Gyric's Random Thoughts

Random Brain droppings, interesting (to me) things, and general stuff about my life and thought processes. Also, the occasional rant about life and living, and the odd Bawdy song or recipe thrown in for good measure

Location: Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada

I'm 33 years old, married, have three kids, and am basically a nice guy in wolf's clothing...

Friday, January 29, 2010

New Direction - Crystal Beach Development Project

Ok. I can't take much more of this being a nice guy and letting the negative people say whatever they want without calling them on the carpet.

I'm going to re-post some of the relevant portions of the latest bits in The Strand...a left wing rag of lies masquerading as a legitimate news source.

A few members of what is often called
Vershoenerung Committee spoke in favour of the Molinaro Project, one even praising
Ward 5 Councillor: "Thank God, for Martha Lockwood as our councillor." (Of course the
mayor let that remark stand as well as Jim Thibert's insult of Ann Marie when she asked
him a question.) This despite a firm list of dos and don'ts supplied with the agenda and a
reiteration of those rules before the meeting began. The treatment of the presenters was
very one-sided, highlighted with the laughable deliberate ignoring of two speakers, Tom
Lewis and John Papdakis until the very end. As expected, neither were able to make their
point as they were interrupted by the mayor and Ward 4 Councillor Tim Whitfield and told
they were "off-topic" before two words were out of their mouths. Too bad there was a
sparse audience to see democracy in action.

Ok. I'm not sure what a Vershoenerung Committee is, but I'm sure it's insulting and probably racist. Second, Jim Thibert WAS slapped down for his commentary by the Mayor when he got out of line. Third, he left the two biggest shmucks for last since he wanted to let the "normal" people get their say, before these two Politicians got their chance to orate. One attacked the council directly and showed an amazing lack of respect for the Town Council. The second turned the podium so he could play to the audience and the camera better, as he will be running in this election. They ranged all over the map, bringing in topics that ranged the entire town, using this very volatile issue to get in some early electioneering. Pathetic and rather slimy.

As was often the case, both Martha and Martin did not
even look at, or appear to be listening to the presenters who were opposed to the rezoning.
Martha was seen making faces when certain points were made, despite the very polite
behaviour of the audience.

First off, I've seen the copious amount of notes Councilor Lockwood was making. Hence the not staring blankly at the presenters. And looks of disgust, admiration or flat disbelief is part of being human. Unless you want councilors made of stone, that's what happens.

None of this was lost on the many who came to this meeting hoping to hear both sides and
see what those in opposition had to say. Instead, the mayor, in a feeble gesture to explain
away the many yellow sign on his own street, said that he went around and talked to his
neighbours and told them the truth, and the signs came down. Sorry, mayor, that is a lie.
The people who canvassed your neighbourhood did not tell lies, not did many of the signs
come down. They were still there a couple of weeks later when I took pictures of them all
over the neighbourhood. It surely must have been embarrassing for you to know that your
neighbours are opposed to the Molinaro Plan and frankly, are very disappointed in your
over-all performance as mayor.

Well, since I was canvassed as well, and I know the truth behind the lies being spread by the FOCB, I can honestly say I was told outright lies and that scare tactics were being used. If I didn't know the truth about what is being planned, I'd be putting a sign on my lawn too. "They're giving away the beach!" or "They will close it to the public and no one will be able to use it" are my favourites.

Time will tell on all of this, but we will not be surprised when Ron Palmer, the consultant
hired by the town for over $30K comes back with a recommendation to approve the
rezoning, despite a;; the evidence and sentiment to the contrary.

This is just outrageous. They have condemned a man who is doing his job, and has a reputation as being fair and impartial before he's even done the work. If you want to call him a paid gun AFTER his report has come out, that's your business. (It's also slander, but there you go.) But to assume he's going to come down on the side of the Molinaro's before he's even had a chance to look is frigging ignorant. And I'd like to see the evidence.

This will get nastier before it gets better. But since this is the internet, I can be as disagreeable as I want.

And I'm not going to let them get away with this anymore, if I can help it.


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