Lord Gyric's Random Thoughts

Random Brain droppings, interesting (to me) things, and general stuff about my life and thought processes. Also, the occasional rant about life and living, and the odd Bawdy song or recipe thrown in for good measure

Location: Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada

I'm 33 years old, married, have three kids, and am basically a nice guy in wolf's clothing...

Friday, April 13, 2007

this is NOT going to make me popular

Ok...I'm going to get flamed by anyone who reads this who has had a survivor or a loss, but here goes.

I am sick to death of hearing about Breast Cancer.

Always with the Breast Cancer Awareness. Enough already.

Raising money for a cure...fine. But it's been almost 20 years of "raising awareness"...we're freaking aware.

Breast cancer has the best early detection, the best treatment options and the best survival rate. We're well aware of breast cancer now...let's work on some others.

My mother in law had Cervical Cancer. She survived, but barely...they JUST managed to find it in time. It's called the silent killer. most women don't even know they have it. There is no home check. The prognosis is NOT good.

Let's start raising awareness of a cancer that kills thousands of women a year, instead of one that everyone knows about and is already taking steps to avoid and diagnose early.

Honestly, I think raising money to fund research for whatever cancer you want will help lead to a blanket cure for cancer of all kinds. Advances in one are more than likely transferable.

I just don't want to hear from one more freaking person who does something stupid like swim across Lake Ontario or something to raise awareness.

I'm bloody well aware.


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