Lord Gyric's Random Thoughts

Random Brain droppings, interesting (to me) things, and general stuff about my life and thought processes. Also, the occasional rant about life and living, and the odd Bawdy song or recipe thrown in for good measure

Location: Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada

I'm 33 years old, married, have three kids, and am basically a nice guy in wolf's clothing...

Saturday, January 30, 2010

A New Low

Ok, the Strand's Editor AKA Uniblogger has done it again.

After a cowardly and pathetic retributional maiming of an innocent car, which timing was a little to suspect to be entirely unrelated to the Bay Beach discussions, the owner of the car went public with her suspicions and informed the media.

The story came out, and this Bowers woman decided to jump on her snappy little laptop and go after the paper, the shop owner, and the media in general. She even went so far as to intimate that the damage was probably caused by the woman's OWN CHILDREN. I responded to this posting, with the below remarks, but since there is no way in hell I'll be posted on her blog, I'll have to do it on mine.

I wrote:

Just out of curiosity, you do realise that a: you sound like a complete
tool. b: Mia's kids are all grown, hard working individuals and unlike
you, contribuiting members of society and c: it wasn't just covered in
our little town. It was covered by CH news, and one of your anti people
was more than happy to be interviewed and jump on this horrible
situation for his side's own gains.

This incident happened just after the council meeting ended, and was
quite obviously targeted since the people in question live nowhere near
the store or the main strip. The timing is a little too suspect to be
completely unrelated. And speaking of unrelated, the giant adirondac
chair being graffitti'd had nothing to do with pro-molinaros...it was
quite obviously tagged by teenagers...probably american tourists like
the jackholes who tried to burn down my house.

Grow the fuck up, you useless waste of skin.

Oh, and since this won't be posted on your waste of electrons, I will
be posting it on my blog and on the Stranded where all such wonderful
retorts to your psychopathic drivel are placed.
Have a nice day.

So that's what I wrote. As I said, the gloves are off (thank you SB) and I don't have to be nice anymore. She wants ugly, I'll hold up the mirror.


Blogger Canuck said...

I talk to people all the time about the Bay Beach issue and I have found the only spiteful things that I have heard come from people against it. Not everyone, but some. And the hecklers are against it, and those rude people in the lobby of the town hall were against it. This campaign that many of them are waging against it is just plain mean and is meant to intimidate people into keeping quiet so that only their voices are heard.

10:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Intimidation is an act of bullyism by cowards and malcontents.They usually gather in small miserable circles to feel strong and relevant.Misery always needs company.Confident,positive people are always the majority and don't need to be loud or obstructive.Hecklers are just little boys and girls that can never get their way.If you notice they all hide in the shadows, keeping their distance from reallity.Their pathetic existance.

5:33 PM  

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