Lord Gyric's Random Thoughts

Random Brain droppings, interesting (to me) things, and general stuff about my life and thought processes. Also, the occasional rant about life and living, and the odd Bawdy song or recipe thrown in for good measure

Location: Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada

I'm 33 years old, married, have three kids, and am basically a nice guy in wolf's clothing...

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Pennsic Classes, Final Post about this

Ok, well here we go.

So at the second class, I had to double check my facial recognition programs, because I had a stunning redhead sitting front and center, and shoeless to boot. Unfortunately, I didn't immediately recognise her because the had lovely short flirty sexy hair, and not the fake Princess Leia buns I had met her in. (Still think I like the short hair more, BT)

Anyways, as said...first class was a success. Second class looked like it was going to be a whopper. (Warning: Adult content coming up, children don't look...)

We ended up with about 50 people at the class, which was absolutely awesome...I was in heaven. People who had taken my class before, new people who had never, and even some people who walked down the hill when they heard us singing. And believe me, I was in full swing. Loud, abrasive, obnoxious, foul mouthed...and those were the good parts. We were having a grand old time, with no children to have to curb our baser instincts to, and having a grand old time.

At the end of the class, everyone seemed a little upset it was over. Not me, as my voice was almost done in with most of an hour talking and singing. As people were singing, I was approached by the stunning redhead (whom I had by this time had put two and tow together)(and no, that's not a spelling mistake, it's a joke). I was humbled and awed to be given a Baroness's Favour (or whatever the equivalent is, Miss BT will have to correct me) from the Barony of Rowany.(sp) I am currently sewing it to a belt dag and am going to wear it for bragging rights.

The next day I showed up for my next class, and was met by someone from Coxcomb Academy. I was informed that I was inches away from being shut down the day before. I got a little perturbed, as I did EXACTLY what I intended and told people I was doing. I even posted in the class description "No one under the age of 18 allowed" so I was more than a little indignant. That is, until he explained. He told me that it wasn't my fault, as I indeed informed everyone as to the nature of my class. However, although the schedulers of classes had all the descriptions, they apparently did not read them. I discovered to my distress that some nimrod a-hole decided to schedule my VERY Bawdy class at 6:00 pm in the big tent beside the amphitheatre, and the Children's Magic Show AT the Amphitheatre at 7:00 pm. So as of about 6:45, children are starting to show up to get seats.

Eeep! Right at the height of my diatribe and ribaldy.

Fortunately, Captain Matthew of Coxcomb threw himself on that grenade and took all the kids to the far side of the stage and did lots of loud "Look at me! I'm a silly clown man" things to distract them.

Hmmm...I still owe him a beer for that one...

Anyways, the third class went off well, and was attended by Og. It's quite an honour. Honest.

I decided to add a second very bawdy class, and although I did not get it into the Pennsic Independent, I still had over 25 people in the class.

I am looking SO forward to teaching again next year. It's nice to not only get away from the Church songs I do all year in real life, it's nice to bring people down to the level that is not so full of themselves that they can't have a good time.

Oh, and to cap it off...I was sitting at a campfire with some friends, and 2 young lads came marching up from the swamp singing one of my songs. I hailed them and asked if they had attended the class, and was informed that although they did not, their Camp Mother did and had taught them.

How cool is that?

Oh yeah, and Miss BT was a viking.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

sheepish grin...

Hi gang..

sorry, things have just been stupid busy lately.

Between the work I've gotten lately, my wife starting a new job, my eldest starting school and the middle one starting his intensive-therapy preschool, I haven't had 3 seconds to myself.

I did write a continuation to the classes post, but something went kaflooie and it didn't post.

However, I am back now, after 3 days without power because of a massive freak snow storm that devastated my town. It was terrifying...I have a 160' tulip tree in my backyard, and things were falling out of it on my roof. I thought for sure that it was coming down and crushing my house...it didn't though.

The 6" or more of snow accumulated on the trees, and since they hadn't lost the leaves yet, the branches got stupid heavy and were shearing off left, right and centre. Also, because the ground isn't frozen yet, the extra weight of the snow has been uprooting trees. I'm going to go out tomorrow and take pictures of the destruction aftermath. It looks like a tornado went through here.

I'll post them soon, but suffice it to say everyone is ok, and there isn't much damage to my house...just a piece of fence that was crushed.

So to answer your question BT, no, it isn't really interesting in a good way, but still keeping me hopping.