Lord Gyric's Random Thoughts

Random Brain droppings, interesting (to me) things, and general stuff about my life and thought processes. Also, the occasional rant about life and living, and the odd Bawdy song or recipe thrown in for good measure

Location: Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada

I'm 33 years old, married, have three kids, and am basically a nice guy in wolf's clothing...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

WTF America???!??!?!?!?

Ok, this IS going to sound Anti-American, but it's not. Not exactly. I love a number of American citizens, and I'm sure they're not this warped.

I just have to ask...What the hell is WRONG with you people?

You finally get a chance at universal health care, like Canada, and you don't want it.

Not only do you not want it, you send death threats to the people who are trying to make sure that everyone can access said health care no matter what your social status.


I'm absolutely stumped as to why it's a bad thing. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

I have a disabled child, and no health benefits. If I had to pay for every hospital visit, assistive device, I'd be in debt so far I couldn't see daylight.

Apparently you better hope that only the rich people have kids with disabilities.

Friday, March 05, 2010

Anti Americanism and the Bay Beach

I am appalled that the Una-blogger has decided to play the Anti American card.

She's confused. We have stunned the world who thought Canada was just a country of polite, charming people who live in igloos and go to work using dog sleds.

Not only did we SURPASS expectations in the Olympics, we showed an unprecedented, even American level of pride in our Country. This level of national pride is now out of the bottle, and won't be put back anytime soon.

This summer, you will see more Canadian flags on houses, a bigger than ever Canada day celebration, and people actually being vocal about their homeland.

We accept ANYONE who moves here. Even the Una-blogger. We ask that you become a citizen if you want rights to vote, but that's about it.

I don't believe that, not matter WHERE you come from, you have the right to keep MY town a depressed one horse town for your own agenda. Showing up for a couple months does NOT give you the right to tell me that I can't look forward to enjoying growth and opportunities here.

The big problem here is the word taxes. There are TWO kinds of taxes: Income and Property. Property taxes go to providing water, sewer, police and road clearing services. Income taxes are what you pay to allow the governments to function. Paying income taxes is what gives you a say in how your town, where you live most of the time. If I owned a cottage in the Hamptons, I wouldn't expect that I would have any say on how they conduct their business. Even if it included my view, or my perception of what was right. For that matter, the fact that it was in the states wouldn't allow me the luxury of having a say AT ALL.

I'm rambling a bit, but I'm trying to say what I have to say without emotion or the hatred of someone clouding the issue.

I think the point I have to say is this.

You don't want a 12 story tower in your sleepy little cottage town you visit. Fine. Sell your cottage and buy one somewhere else.

You don't want this beach to turn into "Miami Beach North". So? I do. And since I live here full time, my say weighs more than yours.

You don't want the towers, but you live here full time? Fine. You get a say. BUT, you do need to realize the fact that change and progress are inevitable. At least, this way, we can get benefits out of the change and help control it. If a developer buys the property adjacent to it, and decides to put up a 12 story tower, there will be NO amenities, and nothing we can do about that fact.

At least the legislation automatically reverts ANY private beaches to town control (making them PUBLIC) whenever an application is made to rezone those properties. (My personal opinion is that it should be whenever the property is sold.)

I just can't see the downside here.

Monday, March 01, 2010

My Speech to Town Council

Our community has and is being exploited for the benefit of the few, to the detriment of the many.  Few will argue against this. Except of course those who are paid to do so.

Any new vision, idea, concept or even plain old common sense is scorned and attacked! They live in a cave and their silly little world is all that exists. They have no idea how the rest of the world sees them.
I read this in the online media. I was impressed with the turn of phrase. However, the comedic factor here is that it was written in OPPOSITION to the Bay Beach proposal.
I’ve been following the Medias very closely these last few weeks. Some other nuggets I’ve found are. And I paraphrase…
Mayor Martin is likened to Joseph Goebbels.
Councilor Lockwood is on the take and has no regard for the people in her riding.
Councilor Annunziata doesn’t care about this town anymore since he’s seeking the PC nomination for the province.
Councilor Whitfield has personal issues with anyone who disagrees with his point of view.
Councilor Schular wants to be part of the Old Boys Club and will do anything to get there.
The Town Planner and CAO live in Grimsby, and don’t care what happens to our town, as long as they get their cut.
Councilors Steckley and Noyse…well, nothing actually.
It’s funny to me that only the councilors that vote against the project are exempt from the muck slinging. It seems that since all logical arguments have been given solutions and all illogical arguments been dismissed, the opposition has no choice but to personally attack the people trying to make our town a vibrant and wonderful place to live.
None of the supporters have made any accusations like Councilor Noyse is on the take from the FOCB. Why? Because we  a: won’t stoop to their level and b: don’t believe it anyways. I believe that each member of council is voting their own opinion and conscience. As it should be.
Now I know what you’re saying. What does this have to do with the bay beach proposal? How does this help us make a decision regarding the bylaw amendments?
Well, I wanted to clear the air that’s been befouled by the anti proposal people. You as a council have been subjected to so much abuse over these proceedings, and I wanted to show that not everyone has it out for you. The Council has not heard from the “Silent Majority” since that silence is due to the fact that you don’t really need to speak out when the council is doing what you agree with anyways. And I assure you, that in my discussions around town, it IS a majority.
My personal opinion hasn’t changed. In fact, it’s become more solid than ever. This proposal has the potential to galvanize growth and change the face of Crystal Beach. I look forward to that.
My wife says that she’s not entirely happy with the 12 story height, but that as a compromise with the net benefits to us, it’s better than the alternative of a park that will be destroyed in days,  a useless splash pad that stands beside a splash pad created by nature, or nothing at all.
Looking at the proposal, I start to feel excitement for the project. I think the promenade is a beautiful addition to the beach. I think that an outdoor stage that could be utilized for things like Jazz festivals, movie nights, rock concerts or other contests like body building or dance is an exciting venue option that could be an amazing draw.
I want to have a town where the people that live there are Proud to invite guests and family to visit, to take in the beach and the surrounding town’s shops and restaurants. Who are Proud when our town’s name is in the news, for positive reasons instead of a closing hospital or failing racetrack.
Or would you rather continue to have a town where the only thing I’ve heard people be proud of is defecating alongside the Friendship trail?

Thank You.